Both methods of administration are unique and still in use today. For the purposes of this note, we will focus on how injecting steroids into your Clomid Fertility Drug is preferable to ingesting them in pill form. This issue boils down to the amount of time a user has to let the medication enter the body and start working. If there is little or no time, injections are usually the best option. Also, most tablets are not as effective as when you buy injectable anabolic steroids and use them for the same purpose. This is because oral medications have a comparatively low level of bioavailability. The enzymes that digest food deplete it in the digestive process, making it less effective. Many tablets are hepatotoxic harmful to the liverwhich is not a problem with injections. Be sure to Buy Clomid in Australia your research properly before you order meds in our official online shop. It has been proven time and again that there are many unreliable sellers who sell inferior products to unsuspecting buyers. Some of the best-selling injectable anabolic medications available on our website include:.